Category: Aquarium Help

  • What is the nitrogen cycle?

    What is the nitrogen cycle?

    The nitrogen cycle is a biological process that converts harmful substances like ammonia, produced by fish waste and uneaten food, into less harmful substances, nitrite and then nitrate. This cycle is facilitated by beneficial bacteria present in your aquarium’s filter and substrate. The nitrogen cycle begins when fish produce waste, which breaks down into ammonia.…

  • Why is my fish not eating?

    Why is my fish not eating?

    It is extremely concerning when your fish suddenly stop eating. It may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Here are a few of the most common issues. Water Quality Issues Fish are highly sensitive creatures that rely on a stable and clean environment to thrive. Poor water quality can cause stress, which…

  • Why are my fish’s eyes cloudy?

    Why are my fish’s eyes cloudy?

    A common problem that fish owners encounter is cloudy eyes in their beloved aquatic pets. Cloudy eyes can be indicative of various underlying issues, and it’s essential to identify the cause and take appropriate action to ensure the well-being of your fish. Here are a few reasons you might see cloudy fish eyes. Poor Water…

  • Why is my fish tank green?

    Why is my fish tank green?

    If you’re an aquarium enthusiast, you’ve probably encountered this problem before: You wake up one day to find your fish tank has turned a murky shade of green. This can be alarming and frustrating, especially when you’ve invested time and resources into creating a healthy environment for your aquatic pets. But fear not! This is…

  • Stop aquarium leaks fast

    Stop aquarium leaks fast

    Aquarium leaks can go from bad to worse really fast. The faster you can identify the source of the aquarium leak and take action to fix it, can save you thousands of dollars from damage to your home or office, loss of fish or corals, and countless hours of headache. There is no leak our…

  • Why celebrities and millionaires trust us

    Why celebrities and millionaires trust us

    Being located in Southern California means Brian Hoover from Aquatic Contractors is on speed dial for celebrities and billionaires who need the best care and maintenance for their aquariums. When the power goes out, when a fire burns down the neighborhood, when a fish gets sick – Brian is available 24/7 to solve the most…

  • Stop wasting time and money on your aquarium

    Stop wasting time and money on your aquarium

    Look. We get it. Aquariums are expensive, big, messy, and there’s always someone trying to sell you something bigger, better and more expensive. We’ve been in the aquarium industry  a long time and have built and serviced some of the largest and most expensive aquariums in Southern California. We’ve run into (and had to solve)…